私どもえいしん会 岸和田リハビリテーション病院 喀血・肺循環センターの長期成績論文を二箇所でかなり詳細に引用していただきました(下記)。原著論文や症例報告でなく、このような権威ある米国の学会ガイドラインに掲載されたことを喀血センター スタッフ一同、誇らしく思っております。
Ishikawa et al [47] published the largest study on outcomes for nonmassive hemoptysis. Elective BAE was performed on 489 noncancer patients from Japan with varying degrees of nonemergent hemoptysis. They reported immediate bleeding cessation in 93% of patients, with 87% and 58% of patients remaining free of hemoptysis at 1 and 3 years, respectively. The most common causes of hemoptysis in this study were bronchiectasis (34%) and nontuberculous mycobacterium (24%).
In a recent study reporting the outcomes of BAE in patients with primarily nonmassive hemoptysis, all 489 noncancer patients underwent a CTA prior to embolization [47]. The authors noted that conventional aortography previously used to detect origins of the bleeding bronchial arteries was effectively replaced by arterial mapping information provided by CTA.